End-of-Life Nurse educator, published author, dying well advocate, Olga Nikolajev teams up with long time friend/colleague Mental Health Trainer, Yvette Murray for a down to earth, poignant and at times raw personal conversation around grief, the impact and moving forward.
In this two-part, 5-hour on demand webinar participants will learn:
- What GRIEF is and the types of grief
- Myths and misconceptions
- Tips and support for grief
- Symptoms of grief and the effects on one’s life
- How to support yourself and others through grief
Or click here to book a live online Grief First Aid course for your group.
Why Grief First Aid?
About the Facilitators
Olga Nikolajev RN, MA, FT is an End-of-Life Nurse educator, published author, dying well advocate, cannabis educator and End of Life Doula mentor with over 25 years of professional experience as a registered nurse in various health care settings, including hospice palliative care. Olga has been involved in national, provincial, and local community efforts to shift the way we view and approach our dying experience, death and grief, including how we care for each other at the end of life and beyond. Since 2017, Olga has facilitated on-line Certificate Thanatology program courses, and in 2018 started facilitating the End-of-Life Doula course virtually and in-person across Canada.
Yvette Murray is a mental health advocate, influencer, and keynote speaker; a psychotherapist; and a facilitator of the Mental Health First Aid Certification. Yvette also offers coaching and training support in Workplace Mental Health Law. A passionate mental health advocate, Yvette loves to travel internationally in person and virtually to deliver keynotes on Mental Health, train Mental Health First Aid certification and Workplace Mental Health Law for non-profit organizations, corporations, government agencies, institutions, corporations, and individuals.